People have apologized to me lately. Not because they have done anything wrong, but because when I sincerely ask how they are, tears often come. As they begin to describe their own sadness, difficulty, or loss, they quickly catch themselves. “I mean it is nothing compared to what you have suffered…”. They apologize as if my grief outweighs their own. Somehow more worthy of notice. Perhaps it is true, in a universal measure, what I carry is heavier. It is certainly the heaviest thing I have ever carried, to be sure. But this experience of grief does not belong to a singular subset. Who is to say the crucible you are living through today is not more deserving of recognition than mine? Grief belongs to everyone. Because this human experience is filled with loss, and every loss, is a loss. But sometimes we pretend it’s not true, don’t we? Surely what I am experiencing is not grief, we say. We call it by other names sometimes - stress, relentless worry, fear, sle...